I didn’t expect Ethan’s transition from Spiderman to Solar System would be OVERNIGHT. And BOOM! All he talks about now is Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. On loop over and over again all day long. I had to look up the internet when I typed those out just now.
Whenever he has a piece of paper, he will draw nothing but circles. Tons of them that he refers as Planets. His father showed me this drawing of Ethan’s, which again looked like nothing but another bunch of circles to me. Matt was all amazed and told me with his eyes magnified, “He drew it without even referring to anything. And THIS. IS. IN. SCALE.”
I didn’t pay much attention until this morning when I was by my computer paying bills. On my desk, this picture was teasing me to google Solar System, which I did because I wanted to know how exaggerating Matt was. Except he wasn’t.
Ethan drew a scale model of Solar System in representing colors!
I am glad that my unpreparedness hasn’t hindered his growing passion for science. And I am relieved that I can keep wandering around another side of the Space called Universe of Ryan Gosling.