If I could give my children some life advice, it would be: marriage is not about “happily ever after”. It’s about how you annoy one special person for the rest of your life.
I look back to where Matt and I just got married and how differently it is today. Before, it was all about us, how to spend our evenings after work, what to do on our weekends. We didn’t have any big responsibilities, we didn’t have a mortgage to stress over, we didn’t have kids to care about. Sleeping in, din-out, movies…we were on continuous date.
Now. I have a hard time recalling my last time going to a movie.
Our date came to a stop. Our focus went to other responsibilities. Our time became incredibly valuable as we realized that we didn’t have much of. It’s rare to get a conversation out even when we were in the same room. Many times, we were either fighting or too tired to talk. The last serious thing that I remember I talked to him was, “I will see your in 18 years when I get this kid out of the house.” And that was when Ethan was being hysterical over a piece of melting ice.
Matt puts up with a lot from me. When we are too busy dealing with our children, he has one more lunatic to deal with, just because I complain a lot. And that is what I mean by how to annoy one special person for the rest of your life.
And all the time, the only thing in his mind is how to make things better. And he is really working on it. He used to do a terrible job dressing Maya, often pairing a striped shirt with striped pants, claiming that because I love stripes. But he recently has really impressed me, starting to pair something else with a stripes shirt – a polka dot pants. He has realized that is my favorite too.
If he could stop BOSSING ME AROUND WHEN I’M DRIVING, he would be perfect.